About Carpal-Tunnel.net
This site is the project of Dr Jeremy D P Bland, MB ChB, FRCP, consultant in clinical neurophysiology at the Kent and Canterbury Hospital (also affiliated to Kings College Hospital, London), who is responsible for all of the information content.

The information given in it is derived from a library of primary scientific research into CTS (currently some 4300 scientific papers), combined with study of over 40,000 patients who have passed through the Canterbury neurophysiology laboratory with suspected CTS. The mathematical analysis of the questionnaire answers was devised by collaborators at the University of Manchester (Dr Stephan Rudolfer) and City University London (Dr Peter Weller) using data from previous Canterbury patients. We are grateful to all of the patients whose data we have used in this way. People who are concerned about the way in which we use patient data can read about the work we are doing in the research pages.
Contacting us - see the Contacts Page
The information on this site and, in particular the questionnaire and it's result should not be seen as a substitute for a consultation with a medically qualified professional but only as a supplement to ordinary medical care.
The intended audience is both healthcare professionals and consumers/patients - we have attempted to provide information in a way which will be comprehensible to the intelligent, interested layman suffering from hand symptoms without oversimplifying or being condescending and without concealing the areas of uncertainty. At the same time we have tried to structure the site in such a way that a superficial visit will convey key information and the user can then pursue their interest as far as they wish. Some of the information is very specific to users of the service in Canterbury UK (both referring doctors and patients) and this can be accessed directly from the links on the home page but that does not mean that the site is only for East Kent residents - anyone is welcome to use the questionnaire and contribute to the forums.
Every page carries it's last review/editing date and there is a log of major changes/additions and a NEWS page
Finance/Declaration of Interests
We have tried very hard to keep the site free of financially induced bias. The creation of the web-site was financially supported in part by a grant from the research office of the East Kent Hospitals University NHS trust and carried out by Maze Digital Ltd (now IX Collective) of London UK. Drs Bland, Weller and Rudolfer provided their time and expertise without charge and the continuing update and running costs of the site, which are fairly modest, are met by Dr Bland.The latest enhancements were funded from an NHS innovations prize awarded in 2013.
Note that the site carries no advertising. We do not sell anything for CTS and we do not endorse any specific commercial treatments or devices for CTS. We do not carry any sponsored weblinks and do not participate in 'link exchange' deals. The information given here on effectiveness of treatment is as objective and evidence based as we can make it though it is impossible to wholly avoid all personal bias in an area where much scientific data is incomplete or inadequate. If you think it is not clear whether a statement in these pages is purely my own opinion or is based on independent evidence then please post a comment in the website issues forum and I will try to improve the clarity.
The information content of the site is copyright Dr Jeremy Bland but may be freely reproduced for your own use and that of your patients provided the source is credited.
Consulting Dr Bland
The site is NOT an invitation for readers to become my patients and I would actively discourage people who do not reside in my natural catchment area (East Kent UK) from consulting me personally about their CTS. I have more than enough patients to deal with already and my effort to help others worldwide with their CTS consists of this web site.
I try very hard to avoid medico-legal work so if you need an opinion on whether a case of CTS is work related please ask someone else. My thoughts on the matter are set out in the epidemiology page.
If you cannot find the information you want in these pages, please make a post in the forums. You are welcome to ask questions about your individual case but please bear in mind that I can usually say very little when all I know about you is what you have written in a web forum. My answers are no substitute for the opinion of a doctor who has actually seen you.
If you wish to assist in the further development of the site then the single most important thing we need is for as many people with CTS as possible to register and document the course of their illness/treatment. Any feedback whatsoever on the site itself is also very welcome, especially suggestions for improvements. In addition anyone volunteering the following would be welcome:
Illustrations - photographs relevant to CTS are always welcome
Notifications of scientific papers - if you have published something on CTS which I might not have seen, especially since 2010 then please feel free to post me a reference in the forums. I try to read everything in the English scientific literature on CTS.
Scientific criticism - I am always happy to hear other views on CTS and will incorporate in to the site anything which I think is appropriate, including dissenting views if well argued
Translation - if anyone would like to translate this site into other languages please let me know
If you found the site useful and informative you can recommend it through Google +1. One patient who found the site useful recently enquired if a donation could be made to a suitable charity and anyone wishing to offer such support is welcome to donate to the League of Friends of the Kent and Canterbury Hospital
Dr.J Bland, 3rd August 2018