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Hi Jeremy....

Just wanted to let you know how I am getting on. I had to start again at Worthing trust but the nerve study done on a brand new machine confirmed both wrists have CT and so I had surgery done under a local yesterday on the left one by
Mr Llewellyn-Clark in 5 &1/2 mins..wow!!!! and who spoke very highly of you during my surgery :).. bit uncomfortable but to be expected. All being well I should have the other one done in 2-3 months time, again by the same Consultant. Thank you for all the help & care you provided whilst I was your patient. If you want me to keep you updated any further please let me know.
Kindest regards


Glad to hear it is still being looked after well and hopefully operating on that hand will put a permanent stop to the problem. Please do let me know how they turn out. I will add the results on the end of your records here for analysis. JB


Hi Jeremy....its 5 days post op and the bulky dressing is off at last. No pins & needles at all just bruising around the wrist and palm area. The worst pain is the incision site itself, very tender especially if I forget myself and try to use it & if I over bend the wrist. Only told to wiggle fingers & bend elbow so far but am able to form a fist although very little strength at the moment. Does this all sound normal so far....just need bit of reassurance as not seeing consultant for stitches out and review for another 10 days.. Thanks. Angela.


Yes that sounds fairly typical. The scar area can remain tender for quite some time and occsionally can become a persistent problem. Most people think that massage of the area helps, gently at first then increasingly forceful as the wound knits together, but there are no good trials of different post-operative regimes. JB


Thanks for the reassurance. Angela.


Hi Jeremy....

So the left hand is fine no pins and needles since the op, back at work after a week and slight pain either side of the scar which the surgeon says is scar tissue and to keep up with the massage.

I have now had the right hand done (11 days ago) and not doing so well on the recovery. No pins & needles at all since op but getting pain in the wrist, like a burning sensation when I try and turn my wrist and of course on the op site itself. The bruising is terrible too. This was always my worst for symptoms as being right handed and the hand itself and wrist are still quite swollen.
I am having stitches removed today and hope the recovery speeds up.

I am now going to be off work for a third week too unlike the one week with the left hand, never realised how different the recovery would be for the same op just on other hand.



There can indeed be considerable differences between the two hands in the same patient - even when the operation is done by the same surgeon and the CTS seems to be very symmetrical to start off with I'm afraid. Was it the same surgeon again? At least the prompt resolution of the pins and needles suggests a successful decompression of the carpal tunnel. JB


Yes same surgeon, Mr Lewellyne-Clark, took 7 minutes this time unlike the first one 5&1/2 mins. Its just taking much longer to recover and the swelling is not going down much even now after nearly two weeks but as you say it looking like a complete cure

Thanks as always for the advice.


Hi Jeremy.... I am still getting nerve pain through my hand and thumb, the scar area is very tender and sore still and strength is reduced. I am massaging like instructed to break down scar tissue as best I can but wondered whether some hand physio would help. The left hand is still not 100% and I have now been diagnosed with osteoarthritis in my fingers, predominantly in the right hand, typically. We can self refer here but I dont want to waste their time.

What do you think at this stage. 5 months since left hand & 3 & 1/2 weeks right hand.



It's probably a bit early to draw conclusions about the right hand - as long as the pins and needles have improved I would generally wait about 6 weeks before starting to get concerned about progress. I don't think anyone really knows for certain about the merits of post-operative physiotherapy. It's unlikely to do any harm but hard evidence of benefit is rather lacking, mainly because it is quite hard to do good quality scientific studies. It would be quite interesting to add your operation dates and an updated symptom score to your record on the website here - most of the rest of your CTS story is well documented here.JB


will do


Hi Jeremy...

Its been five weeks now since the right hand surgery and whilst I understand its my right hand so use it more I am concerned about the burning sensation I get on the scar area and inside the wrist. I am having to wear blister plasters to protect the scar as it is very sore still...its very red and I put it down to using it too much and going back to work after three weeks and the rubbing on the mouse mat, not enough time to recover may be, but the burning sensation does bother me... Is this normal, just overuse or should I contact the surgeon. The pins and needles have still stopped though.

I never had any of this in the left hand, but they did say the CTS was worse in the right hand or is this just me expecting too much too soon....



This is only guessing but it sounds as though there is a bit of inflammation around the incision. Even in the same patient every incision is a little different. Is your surgeon not going to review you at some point in the next few weeks anyway? JB


No....I had an appt to remove stitches 2 weeks after with a nurse and reg and that's it. I could ring his secretary to see if I can get a review with him or I could go to the GP. What do suggest and anything in the meantime. I am also trying to massage the scar to breakdown scar tissue as instructed.... its getting annoying now.


If the surgeon has made no longer-term follow up plans then the most accessible person to take a look at it is probably your GP - at least as a first port of call. Book a non-urgent appointment with them and see what they make of it. If need be they should be able to leverage a review by the surgeon. JB

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