lump at wrist and some numbness


i had surgery in november. everything seemed fine. about a month ago a lump formed on my wrist, which is tender. i am now feeling numbness in the hand. whom should i make an appointment with? please help...growing season on my allotment!


Hard to say what it is without seeing it but is probably unlikely to be directly related to the carpal tunnel surgery after a 6 month interval. I can take a look at it for you on Thursday if you want to drop into the clinic so that we can see it - anytime between 9 and 12 noon we will squeeze you in amongst the other patients. JB


thank you! i will be there at 9am if that is ok.


Sure no problem - might involve hanging around for a few minutes but it's usually fairly quiet at 9:00 JB


thank you. see you tomorrow.


thank you for seeing me on thursday. i will let you know when i get a letter.


I had an email from Mr Wetherell saying that he would fit you in an out-patient appointment - hopefully not too long. JB


my appointment with mr. wetherell is on monday, 11 june at 11:30. i will let you know what happens next. thank you.


17th May to 11th June - pretty good for hand surgery. Is anything changing with the lump or the symptoms?

This sequence of events has made me think again about an issue which is raised by the existence of this site - whether it creates 'two tier' access to this particular bit of the NHS. I will put a starter thread in the Website feedback forum (as "Equal Access" if you are looking for it) and I would very much appreciate your thoughts and those of anyone else who happens to read this. In your particular case I think there are sound clinical reasons for seeing your rather unusual problem very quickly but some cases are less clear. JB


sorry i haven't replied sooner. i did not see mr. wetherell, but his registrar. he told me i PROBABLY needed physio and he could arrange that in six weeks time. i told him i was not happy about this. he asked if i would prefer to see mr. wetherell, which i thought would be better. i have an appointment with him on 2 july. the lump is still there and i find my hand getting numb, as well as feeling cold and sometimes looking like it has frost bite. will check the new thread now. thank you for your help.


Not ideal seeing the registrar with something unusual like that really - I wonder if Mr W was on leave that week. Hopefully you will get to see him on 2nd July. JB

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