Considering Injections

Ian P

Dear Dr Bland

Following the consultation back in November when CTS was confirmed in the Left Hand 3, and Right Hand 2, I decided to continue to use a splint on the left hand only, at night. I am now occasionly woken with numbness in both hands and when relaxing suffer numbness in both hands due to their position. Therefore I would now like to try injection/s. What would be my next step please?




As your nerve conduction studies are fairly recent you can just call the SIPC office to arrange injection - phone numbers  are in the contacts page. They may need to refer to this comment of mine here as I can't amend your main records until Thursday. JB

Ian P

Injection on left hand given Sat 27/04/2013. Will update in 6 weeks after follow up appointment with Dr Raj Kalathil.

I must agree with other comments, this website is a brilliant idea.



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