John Nickson-update on progress after injections and op


Hi again,

I had severe CT in both hands which began on 7th January 2012. Could hardly use hands.

Found this site and your comments invaluable, thanks again !

I subsequently had cortisone injections in both wrists. Symptoms began to ease immediately. Was booked in for two ops. Had one on left wrist to see effect. Right wrist continued to improve and now have had virtually no symptoms for many months. If I do get symptoms it is usually caused by lying on hand in night or by severe vibration caused-foe eg- by riding my bike. No symptoms in left wrist.

btw, do you want me to keep posting updates ?



Nice to hear from you again and yes I'm always happy for people to carry on posting updates on progress - most especially in the case of prolonged remission of symptoms after injection as I remain very interested from a research point of view in just how viable a proposition long-term treatment by injection is. You also belong to a rather fascinating group of people who have experienced both surgery and injection as treatment and are able to directly compare their relative merits in your own experience. There are a number of such patients in my own clinic and I am always fascinated by their decision making when symptoms recur - at some point we will try to assemble some data on this group of people. JB


Ok, will do.

Unusual to be part of a " rather fascinating group of people " !




Both hands still ok. Some tingling right hand if I lay on it by mistake in the night.(Right the cortisone only one, left wrist cortisone and the op).
Playing a lot of tennis and no prblems so far.



As always, thankyou for the update. So that's about two and a half years since injection. I've seen a couple of patients in the last fortnight with 4-6 year remissions after an injection but you have a long way to go match my all-time record holder of 48 years. JB


no problem, you offer a great resource, thanks !

If I manage 48 years then I will be 113, which would be nice.


Hi, another update.

Again thanks for offering such a useful resource !

My hands are both still ok. I do get the occasional symptom in my right hand, the one on which I didn't have an operation, but nothing too bad and mainly in the night.

I can do normal activities without any problems and am playing tennis today.

Many thanks.

John Nickson


That right hand is doing pretty well without surgery isn't it - approaching 4 years now? I would like to carry out a prospective study of injection treatment as an alternative to surgery but it's really hard to get it funded. Thanks again for the periodic updates. Keep up the tennis :-) JB


actually its 5 years this month !


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