Carpal has returned
Hi, I had the cortisone injections done late last year with great success, unfortunately it has returned and I have been suffering with pain and numbness esp at night. You mentioned that i would be able to have them done again, is this still possible as it is now affecting my work? Many thanks.
Hi, I did another severity score test on the 3rd June. I have been wearing the splints at night time but they are not helping at all and my sleeping pattern is all over the place as the pain (esp in left hand) keeps waking me. Hope to hear from you soon.
OK so those scores are not quite as high as the original set. It is therefore probable that your CTS is not physiologically worse and I think we could just re-inject if your symptoms are disturbing sleep a lot and then worry aout when we get around to testing you again as a separate issue. I'll get Emma to look into when that can be done. JB
We can organise a time to inject this week. The times when we are less busy are Tuesday afternoon, Wednesday, Thursday afternoon or Friday. Let me know what suits you best. You can call, if you prefer, on 01227 783048. EK
Hi Emma, either Tuesday or Wednesday pm is fine for me. Just let me know a time. Many Thanks
We can certainly re-inject. I need to have a think about whether to test them again or not - can you complete another severity questionnaire here on the website please (go to 'My CTS' - My CTS record - then click the link 'take a new severity score test) and then we will plan something. JB