Symptoms returning

Ian P

Dear Doctor Bland

Following my message of a few months ago I now feel it is time for 2nd injection/s. Having suffered mild symptoms in both hands for a few months, the numbness has increased in the left hand recently and is causing interrupted sleep.
Thank you.



It's about 18 months since we tested you so I would like to check on the state of the nerves before pursuing further injection. I'll send out an appointment. We can probably inject at the same visit if that seems appropriate. JB

Ian P

Thank you for the prompt reply. Would it be possible for the appointment to be late afternoon to help fit in at work?


I'll do my best - we are quite tightly booked at present. JB


I can squeeze in a quick re-test at 4:00pm on Thursday (19th June) - I'll put a letter in the post but it may not reach you in time so I'm giving the details here. JB

Ian P

Thank you, I will see you then.

Ian P

Dear Emma

I am pleased to report the injection given 19th June has greatly improved the situation. I still have numbness, very rarely and very mild, always at night. So rare that I cannot actually say which hand is affected.
I am very pleased to say the injection has worked again.

Best regards



Thanks for the update. You know how to get in touch if and when it becomes a problem again. JB

Ian P

Dear Dr Bland

I have recently been prompted to take a severity assessment. A very good reminder that I am now rarely affected by very mild symptoms and I am really pleased the injection has worked better than before. Thank you.


Thankyou for taking the trouble to do that. There is a consistent bias in our follow-up data caused by the fact that the main reason for us to see patients for follow up is that they have problems again. Hearing from a few patients who remain relatively well is something of a counter to that though I would really like to have the resources to chase up all patients for follow-up data indefinitely. At the moment we are trying to do this for a cohort of patients we originally injected in 2007 and we will see how many of them we manage to get information from. The website reminders are another approach to the problem. JB

Ian P

Dear Dr Bland

I have today taken the severity questionnaire. I am still very pleased with the result of the last injection. I do have mild numbness in both hands at night sometimes, but nothing I am concerned about. Also when riding my bike I sometimes have mild numbness in the left hand due to the position of my hand on the handlebars, but altering my grip solves the problem. I am still very happy that, for me, the situation is just an inconvenience rather than a problem. Thank you.




Thankyou again for the update. It's great to hear from patients who are doing well as usual. Have a great Xmas. JB

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