My CTS journey


I had CTS during pregnancy 20 years ago, probably due to weight gain and hormone changes. After the birth this soon went away and I thought no more of it. Recently (with last 2 years) the tingling started in my hand and increased and spread until in March this year after a very stressful house move, it became a throbbing pain that went from my entire hand through my forearm to my elbow. I tried a splint for 2 weeks but it did not help at all. Pain killers (dicolofenac and codeine) did not touch it nor did a few whiskeys and after 6 weeks of broken sleep, tears and fatigue I could stand it no more, my work and life were suffering. I have arthritis in my neck and thought it could be related to that as my CTS did not exhibit all the symptoms. I had an XRAY on my wrist that was clear of arthritis. I have always worked in an office at a keyboard but am very active outside this. It's my left hand that is affected - I am left handed.

I had a consultation with CTS Canterbury clinic who confirmed CTS and made an appointment for a MRI on my neck . By the time I had the consultation the pain had diminished a bit as there was no more heavy lifting. I was sceptical about the injection as for some it had not worked but I was delighted that within 48hrs I was pain free for the first time in months. I could sleep again. The results of the MRI showed 2 bulging discs in my neck with equal pressure on nerves either side of my neck. At this time I do not believe this is causing a problem and hope it doesn't in the future. Its now 4 months since the injection and the tingling is back in the middle and third finger. It wakes me but is manageable. I will start using the splint again now to see if this helps before it gets too bad. I would prefer not to have surgery unless there is no other choice.


So we injected that in May and it's now beginning to return. If you are trying to avoid surgery then one of the uncertainties is whether it is better to re-inject as soon as symptoms start to recur or to wait until it feels as bad as it did to start off with - there is no scientific evidence to support either policy. As a practical suggestion Iwould say try a splint for 2 weeks, just in case it is a minor relapse that might settle, as a few people seem to get these, and if it is not back in remission after 2 weeks come in for either a re-test and injection, or possibly just re-inject. JB


Thank you Jeremy. Do you know if using a wrist /forearm rest has shown to help computer users with CTS?


There's no really good quality evidence that any kind of keyboard/workstation alteration helps CTS - any CTS is not, contrary to popular belief, especially common in people who type all day - though other causes of arm pain may be. JB


The tingling in my hand has once again got to the painful stage where it is waking me at night. Splint does help but would like to have another injection as the last one has lasted 6 months which I feel is a good result. How do I make an appointment pls.


I've booked you an appointment on 8th December in the afternoon- a letter will go in tomorrow's post. JB


Many thanks - have a great day. M


Hi Jeremy, I hope you are well.

The last injection has worked well up to now with lifestyle compromises. I have conditioned myself not to sleep on my left hand side anymore as I will get tingling in middle finger. Just recently, in the course of our house extension, I had to pass some roof tiles to my partner. Since then it has come back with force despite wearing a splint and taking naproxen. I think bending my hand back has exacerbated the problem. I will continue with the splints for another week but to be honest I would like to sleep naturally, be able to cuddle up to my partner and use the hand fully again without worrying that it will set it off. I am considering the operation but need specific details about how long before I can use the hand fully and if it will then enable me to lift items like a normal person. Not sure also where this will be done with the changes. Any information would be really helpful as I don't want the op but I don't want to carry on like this.


Surgery can probably be done in Ashford fairly quickly. If all goes well you should be back to everyday activities in 2 weeks and able to manage heavy lifting and strenuous activity in 4-6 weeks but a small number of patients - 5-10% depending on which figure you believe, end up with persistent symptoms in the hand after surgery. Alternatively it can be injected a third time. We should probably test it again to see if it really hs taken a marked turn for the worse and talk about it. I'll send out an appointment. JB


I have booked you an appointment in early September and will put the details in the post. EK


Hi Jeremy and Emma,

Had confirmation of induction test 3 Sept. I'm having a hard time with CT now. Its been nearly 8 months since the last injection and its now very painful. Mostly starts about 3-4 am and 2-3 weeks ago I could get my arm/hand in a position that would help it to diminish. Nothing I do now, other than getting up, is helping and its affecting my work/life due to lack of sleep. I don't think I can hold out till Sept as pain relief pills do not work. It has progressed from severe pins and needles to pain radiating through the hand up the forearm to the elbow. I have had x-ray on the wrist prior to coming to you and its not arthritis. I've also noticed the muscle at the base of the thumb is flatter than the right hand and my grip is weaker where I have been trying not to strain the hand. Writing, typing and driving all bring on the tingling fairly quickly. I am left handed which is the hand it is in.

If I have a third injection would that affect the results of the induction test/surgery? If it would not then I have an appointment for a blood test on 07/08/15 at 9am and wondered if it would be possible to have another injection while I wait for surgery? So far the injections have worked really well but I can't cope with the lack of sleep when it comes back. Do you know of any painkillers/heat/ice that work? I Have tried naproxen and co-codamol (prescription strength) Would prefer to stay off gabapentin and similar as I get up at 5.30am most days and need to drive (I have horse to see to).


If you can drop in at about 8:30 am Monday or Tuesday (probably better Tuesday to be honest, Monday is a bit of a wild clinic) I'll test you myself as soon as I manage to get in through the Canterbury traffic and Emma can re-inject. JB 


Hi Jeremy,

thanks - will be there Tuesday. Had the worst night last night and was woken 3 times with pain radiating up my arm and the only thing that makes it go away is to get up and start moving around.


Sounds pretty grim! - see you tomorrow morning. JB

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