Left Hand Problems Have Returned.


Good Afternoon,
I had the steroid injection in both wrists at the end of February this year. The pain and discomfort I had experienced for a long time had gone by the time I got home. I have been symptom and pain free in both hands up until 2 weeks ago. I am pleased to say that my dominant right hand is fine but my left has deteriorated quickly. I am waking up in the night with the pain and associated numbness along with pins and needles. Driving to work is also causing a concern as I have to drop my left arm down by my side as far as I can to relieve the symptoms.
As I had such a positive response to the steroid injection I was hoping that I could arrange to have another at your earliest convenience.


Yes we can re-inject that left hand if you recognise the symptoms as the same problem as last time. I would quite like to test it again at the same time if you don't mind. I'll send out an appointment. JB


I am more than happy to have another test Jeremy. Thank you very much for your quick reply.


I have put an appointment letter in the post. EK

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