

Re 1 year post op.
Been back to see my GP about the constant pain in both hands/wrists. I have been refered to my local hospital via choose and book. I have booked it for 11 Dec at 3.30. Any advice on what I could say to the consultant to help my case in sorting the pain out. I have been dropping thing and have noticed pins and needles have come back. My GP has given me some pain killers to help me.


Any idea what speciality of consultant you have booked in with? JB


According to my GP the consulant area is. Carpal Tunnel so I hope to get the problem sorted. Is it worth me having some notes with some questions. Hope you can advise


I never was very impressed with choose and book - you could end up seeing all sorts of different people under that heading - orthopaedics, rheumatology, plastic surgery, neurosurgery, neurology or even someone non-medical entirely in some systems. The chances are that the case will be handled like a new presentation with CTS, not the much more complex problem of persistent symptoms after surgery. If possible I would take with you your pre-operative nerve conduction studies. I can't suggest much else I'm afraid, especially as we have no real idea who you will see. JB


I have been seen in clinic and he would like to do another nerve comduction study. Then would re do the op one hand at a time as feels more might need to be cut or it has re formed. Will keep you up dated been told studies will be done at the Medway hospital from some one from Kings


In this particular case you woud be best off being booked into my clinic at Kings's so that I can look at the ultrasound imaging as well as the NCS. If you don't object to travelling to Kings then I'll try to intercept the referral at Kings and try to get it into one of my clinics. (The Medway clinic are administered from Kings) JB

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