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I had surgery on my left hand at the end of October, performed by Dr Rine at Reculver. The experience was not disagreeable, the procedure conducted very smoothly and confidently with every effort to put me at my ease. There were no after effects save the expected soreness, which did not last very many days. The great benefit is that I have not had a disturbed night's sleep since. However, although the surgery was successful in achieving what it was designed to do, some issues remain (it may be that I had allowed the condition to deteriorate to the extent of causing some irreparable damage, before seeking a re-test). Dr Rine has suggested that I ask for fresh nerve conduction tests to be performed on both hands: would it be possible to make a booking at your clinic?


Happy to test it again and to review the situation. Have you had our three month post surgery follow-up questionnaire yet - if it was operated end of October it should be coming out round about now. JB


Many thanks for the speedy response. The date of my operation was 31/10. I'll wait to receive and complete the questionnaire before booking a re-test. MC


Ok - if our follow up questionnaire does not reach you next week let me know here and I'll sort it out. JB


I've completed and returned the questionnaire. The situation with my hands has not changed so I would be grateful for a re-test when convenient.


OK we'll book a re-test shortly and put an appointment in the post. I'll probably want to schedule it for a time when I am able to look at it with the ultrasound scanner as well as repeat the NCS. JB

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