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Mrs Elsdon

To Dr J D P Bland I saw you in clinic 6/5/16, you gave me a new larger wrist splint to try for a month. My hand is no better, in fact worse, the numbness and pain have increased, and, my fingers & wrist are swollen all the time now. As I am my Husbands carer, itt is making life very difficult. Mrs S D Elsdon DOB 20/07/48


I said it was an odd case. We could try the experiment of a local steroid injection which is a reasonably safe way of proceeding. That would also give me another chance to look at you and think about it - I remain unsure whether this is CTS or not. JB

Mrs Elsdon

Where will I go for injection, if Canterbury, will I get an appointment letter? Thanks for your help.


We will do it for you in Canterbury I think in this case - we can do them Monday to Thursday usually and they only take a few minutes. I'll get Emma to contact you and arrange a time. JB

Mrs Elsdon

Thank you. Mrs Elsdon

Mrs Elsdon

Just to let you know, since having a steriod injection my wrist is much better, no swelling, very little numbness, only on the tips of my thumb, index & middle fingers, no and again, if I do to much.


Well that provides us with a bit more support for the diagnosis of CTS. We'll now see how long the effect lasts. Are you able to add another symptom severity score to tyour record on the website here? JB

Mrs Elsdon

I am sorry, but have tried to log into it a few times, but, have forgotten my password.


I've sent you a new one by email. JB

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