Appointment for injection
13 December 2016 - 8:02pm
Hello, I have been wearing the splints you supplied but have had appointment with neurologist who has surgested that I contact you to make appointment for the injections that we spoke about
Kind regards
16 December 2016 - 10:15pm
Thank you for reply, I can come for injections any day apart from Wednesday as I have acupuncture appointment at pain club kind regards Damian Crockford
19 December 2016 - 12:32am
Tuesday afternoon would probably be best if Emma is in. I'll check the diary in the morning and post here. JB
19 December 2016 - 10:26am
Yes we can do 2:00pm tomorrow afternoon (Tuesday) - in the neurophysiology department where the tests were done. JB
We should be able to do something next week if you are free - Monday to Thursday. JB