Vitimin B6/B12 supps/foods help symptoms?
Wondering if anyone has helped their symptoms with vitamins, supplements, or certain foods, etc?
I take a daily high strength B vitamin complex and have done so since about a year prior to any CTS symptoms.
I stopped taking it for a short while after being diagnosed and then came back to it. I've not experienced any improvement/impact to my CTS as a result of this, but it has noticeable benefits in other areas!
Following decompression surgery on 11/9, I am taking my usual B vitamins, plus zinc, arnica and magnesium supplements. Seem to be healing well.
Seems to fit with the literature - the consensus being that vitamin B status is generally nothing to do with CTS - though these are of course important nutrients for many body systems. It's worth noting that too much vit B6 is actually toxic so don't overdo the 'high strength' too much. JB
Interesting to see if anyone comes up with any anecdotal evidence. So far as proper science is concerned there was a vogue for treatiung it with vitamin B6 years ago but in the end proper trials confirmed that this was actually no better than placebo. I've not come across anything else that has been clearly shown to help I'm afraid. JB