My GP has referred me to your clinic for tests (EMG and nerve conduction) for potential CTS.
The appointment I have is for Monday 11th September at 1530. I have constant pain and numbness and would be very grateful if an earlier appointment could be made. I'm am available at short notice most days.
Thankyou. My contact details are tel. ****** email ******. Mobile (rarely used) **** (removed 29.8.17 EK) Brgds John Bryant
I've added the extra contact details to the records here. There are no obvious spaces before 11th Sept at present but I've put you on the cancellation list. JB
I have a gap this afternoon where I could test you - but my colleague who treats these in the clinic at the same appointment does not work Fridays so if we decided to treat you it would involve a return visit next week - would that be OK? JB
Great thanks Jeremy, I'll ring to check what time I should come.
We do maintain a list of people waiting for cancellation and we will put you on it and have a look to see if we have any earlier spaces tomorrow morning. Unfortunately most of the time we only know thatthere is a gap when someone fails to turn up - by which time it is usually too late to fill the space. JB