Stiff fingers 3 months post op
Good evening Dr Jeremy,
I'm 57, in good health and had open CTR on the left hand 12-7-17 and my right hand on 12-21-17.
The well known Neurosurgeon said I needed surgery after doing the EMG nerve studies.
I was never told about exercises except to keep my fingers moving.
I may have run the snowblower a few times within 7 days of the surgeries with no extra pain.
Fast forward to 3-14-18
Both hands (index and middle fingers) are very stiff and sore in the morning and it's difficult to make fists.
I can play golf ok during the day but at the end of the day, the fingers are very stiff, sore and it's difficult to make a fist.
Is this normal for 3 months post op?
Will I be able to make a sold fist again?
Thank you for your time.
Thank you for your quick reply.
It started about 6 weeks after the surgery.
Non diabetic.
Trigger digit: If I hold my hands out and fingers open, then slowly start to close to make a fist, the index and middle fingers of both hands resist touching my palm (making a fist) become stiff, sore and then a little pop when I force them to make a fist.
I never had an issue before the CTR surgery and hope that this is not permanent.
Your opinion is appreciated.
Sounds suspiciously like trigger digit from the description, often associated with CTS, but diagnosis by internet text conversation is not safe and you need to see a hand doctor who can examine that. JB
No that's not 'normal'. I'm not altogether clear whether it has been like that ever since the surgery or whether this is something that has developed more recently? Perhaps the first thing to think about might be one of the other problems that is associated with CTS - trigger digit and Dupuytren's - but you need to examine the hand for that. Are you diabetic by any chance? JB