Query post surgery


I had my CTS 6 days ago, I am wondering whether the symptoms I’m experiencing are normal?
Middle finger & thumb still numb (not as bad as previous before op, however still feel numb), on attempting to make a fist-my middle finger goes so far & then makes a popping sound? Little finger & ring finger any slight backwards pressure causes a sharp shooting pain.
Can you advise if this sounds normal considering I have only had the op so recently or does anything I have mentioned sound irregular?
Your advises would be much appreciated- Many thanks


There aren't really what you could consider any 'normal' symptoms following carpal tunnel surgery, as every individual will report symptoms that vary across a wide spectrum. At six days post-op it is still very early in your recovery and one would expect a reasonable amount of swelling within the hand/wrist and some limit to normal range-of-motion. Residual, but improved symptoms are encouraging and hopefully, will continue to improve for some time. Symptoms can improve for many months following surgery. Occasionally, and normally related to the severity and 'grade' of CTS, some symptoms will remain indefinitely. Do you know what grade you were prior to surgery? My advice would be to ensure the operated hand is kept elevated for periods throughout the day and continue with gentle mobilisation.

Michael Nicholas
Carpal Tunnel Practitioner


Hi Michael
I was a grade 5 in my right hand and a grade 3 in my left.


Ok. Grade 5 can be a little slow to recover and, as I've mentioned, some of the symptoms may persist permanently. I think that given your CTS symptoms have improved since the surgery there is every reason to be optimistic. Unfortunately you will have to wait for biology and your wound to heal before that is completely apparent. There are other complications of surgery such as wound infection that one may need to consider but it is not yet a week since your surgery and I suspect that in another week or two you will have a different perspective.


Some improvement in numbness at 6 days is about par for the course starting from grade 5. It will probably be a year until it has finally finished recovering. The 'popping' finger might be a trigger digit, which can show itself following surgery for CTS and which may or may not persist as recovery proceeds. JB

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