Electric shocks


I am 5 days post carpal tunnel release surgery
For the most part I’m doing pretty well.
Main complaint is that I have soreness around the incision, pain if I try to lift or push/pull
What worries me is Sometimes I get this electric shocks when I move my hand.
Is this normal and will go away?


That's quite common and I wouldn't worry about in the weeks immeditely after surgery as long as the original symptoms are showing signs of improvement. In most cases it will settle given time. JB


I have had CTS for 6 years and have some muscle atrophy and loss of feeling in my finger tips.
I had surgery a week ago and am not in pain but have electric shock type feeling in my fingers when I rub my hand on my jeans or put light pressure on my fingers on a table like a spider doing pushups. If I'm not doing anything no electrical shock feeling.Before surgery my fingers got numb at night and several times a day, no numbness since surgery, the loss of some of the feeling in my fingers is still there.
Does this sound like the median nerve could have been damaged or just normal for a week after surgery?
I go back to have stitches out next week.
This is making me very nervous after reading some of the problems others have had!


A not uncommon story for a week after surgery and as with the previous patient who started this thread I would not worry about it for a few weeks - most symptoms like this will settle and the improvement in the intermittent numbness is a good sign. JB

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