Update from injection
Following a steroid injection just to my left hand this time (23/4/18), glad to report received no side affects like the previous first injections where both wrists were injected and then I suffered flash burns (redness,) to upper arms and my hands became severely swollen.
However I am now in week 3 of the injection and my left hand is still extremely cold and still getting severe tingling and numbness, where last time this symptom disappeared within 3 days of injection and lasted for about 6 months.
Pain however has improved. Should I just continue with this?
Best wishes, Suzanne Adams
I think we suspected in April that there may be another issue present as well as CTS, given that your nerve conduction studies were actually better than last time, and prhaps the persistence of some symptoms bears this out, though I nothe that your ultrasound imaging was still abnormal. I think I would probably like to review this at 6 weeks post injection if you can spare the time to come in so that I can repeat the NCS and ultrasound? JB