New Assessment.

Mr. G.Gambrill

I have CTS in both hands. I was successfully treated on my right hand by Mr. Smith in February this year, and was expecting to go on the waiting list for surgery on my left hand. Unfortunately this has not happened, and I think I will have to have a new referral. The CTS in my left hand is now causing severe impairment, and I think I need a new assessment.


You are welcome to come back to my clinic but how did you end up having surgery with Mr Smith? The last record I have of you is when we last injected both hands in October 2018 so someone must have decided to refer you to orthopaedics instead of you coming back to my clinic with a relapse. I'll send out an appointment (just done for 11th Nov). If you have a note of the date of surgery please bring that with you when you come. JB

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