My pain in wrists and hands has got worse


I was due to have another test performed on my hands but it was cancelled because of the covid 19 and I can not get to see my doctor only a telephone consultation which really doesn’t help me.i am in constant pain and it keeps me awake at night.i am on strong pain killers and using strong ibuprofen gel but it doesn’t really touch it.please can someone help me.


Until this week we were managing to maintain a limited injection service for people in your situation but staff sickness has meant that we have not been able to inject anyone this week. I'm hoping that we might have something available next week. Keep an eye on the Kent patients information page here on the website for any news. JB

I've filled all the available space I had this week I'm afraid but I'm hoping we will be able to do something similar next week so I've got you on a list and will get you in as soon as I can. JB


Ok thank you so much.


Dear dr Bland

With reference to my above message, I am now in constant pain with my wrists and hands.i struggle at night to sleep and have to hang one arm out of the bed and I can not hardly do anything at home now during the day due to the servere pain.

I was just wondering if you have any sort of idea when I would be able to be seen at your clinic.

Best wishes



I hope next week if Emma is back at work. I should know by Friday how much I can do next week. JB

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