Worsening symptoms
Hi, I am finding using my right hand very difficult especially first thing in the morning. Symptoms are getting increasingly worse. My last injection was in October 2019 so I may require a new test but would very much appreciate it if this could be done as soon as possible. I fully understand the Covid situation but would be pleased to know whether there is a chance of being seen in the short term. Thank you very much. Wendy B
Much appreciated thanks. Severity score updated. Look forward to hearing from you. Wendy B
Thanks very much. I've just filled next week's clinic but we are hoping to have more capacity for the week beginning 1st June and we may be able to catch up a bit then. JB
Can you add a new symptom severity score to the website please (under 'My CTS') and I hope I will be able to get something done in 2-3 weeks. JB