Carpal tunnel questionnaire completed
Dr Bland,
I have completed the questionnaire and would appreciate a quick reply.
Thank you
4JQ is my postcode
I have had my left hand done once many years ago and my right hand done twice, but cannot remember the year. The last surgery I had was done in Spencer wing, may well have been around 2011.
Interesting! I have 4JN but the details of that Kay Gregory sound very much like you, and if there's another one living close enough to have an almost identical postcode then I suspect you would know each other:-) - I that od record is you then you are indeed more than a little complicated. Email me your full details (see the Patient Info page). And I'll arrange an appointment in my clinic where I can think about it - I'm not promising that we will achive much I'm afraid. JB
I think we have seen you before in 2011. If you give me the last three characters of your postcode (or what they would have been 9 years ago if you have moved since) that should allow me to establish whether those records are really you. You certainly have a score very suggestive of CTS but if you are the person I saw in 2011 then you are also a little complicated! JB