Cubical tunnel


So while my carpal tunnel is getting better. My pinky and rings are going asleep at night. Does cubical tunnel go away on its own? I’ve read that this syndrome will cure itself more so than carpal tunnel will.


I misspelled cubital my bad


As with carpal tunnel syndrome there are no high quality scientific studies of what happens to untreated ulnar neuropathy at the elbow. However some work from the Netherlands suggests that about half might improve without surgical intervention, compared to about a quarter with CTS. The group working on it in Ljubljana think you can distinguish two subgroups with nerve conduction studies and ultrasound, one of which is usually going to require surgery and the other not. Some prospective studies are required to try and duplicate their findings. JB


Thanks for the response I also hear that cubital tunnel surgery definitely Holds more risk than carpal tunnel surgery. There seems to be more complications with it so I think since it’s barely just starting I’m going to wait it out for a while


According to the study it seems that chiropractors and physical therapist can help cubital tunnel syndrome more than carpal tunnel syndrome. Oh my carpal tunnel syndrome’s have improved dramatically. I almost feel absolutely no more tingling and numbness in my thumbs and fingers anymore. Now I’m having tingling in my pinky on my left arm.


I have to say that the Chiropractic and Physiotherapy literature tends to be of rather poor quality - largely because it is very hard to carry out placebo blinded studies with physical interventions. That case report is typical - a single case doesn;t really tell you anything very useful. To some extent however, all of the literature on ulnar neuropathy at the elbow is rather poor. JB


Doesn’t seem to be much on it. However the information that is given does seem to show that cubical tunnel seems more likely to resolve on its own than carpal tunnel. Which is relieving to an extent.

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