Vitamin b6
So I decided to try the b6 route but am going to cease it as I believe it may be causing issues or it’s just in my head. Either way I’m ceasing the use.
I’ve been taking 100mg a day for about 5-6 days and today I started feeling tingling in my pinky toes. I’d like to believe that it would take much longer and a much larger dose for neuropathy to appear. Do you agree with this? And if this is a symptom, will cessation reverse this issue?
Remember I’ve only taken 100mg a day for 5-6 days, no more.
Sorry doc I just need my ocd to settle down or I’m going to lose it. I’m having way to many things hit me at once lately
That is probably a bit soon to experience B6 toxicity. It's worth noting that there is no good evidence that B6 supplements do anything for CTS, or any other kind of localised nerve problem. As long as you are not actually deficient in B6 there is no point taking it. JB
I know I’ve bombarded you with questions but I can’t seem to find any straight direct answers with what I’m looking for on the internet I promise I won’t be a burden to you anymore after this.