Right hand now deteriorating noticeably
Dear Dr Bland,
It is more than 2 years since the operation on my left wrist. It did not relieve the CST symptoms, and the presumed nerve damage remains. When my right wrist began to show CTS symptoms, I accepted the minor inconvenience of numbness and difficulty of, for example, doing and undoing buttons. During the past few months, the numbness has steadily deteriorated and is now a permanent feature. If I presume that I accepted the inconvenience in my left hand too long before going for the operation option and allowed nerve damage to occur, I think it might be time to ask your opinion about getting the right hand operated on sooner rather than later. Are you open for business? Regards.
Dear Dr Bland,
It is a few days since you wrote that you would arrange an appointment and, as unusually I have not yet heard anything, I phoned your reception. They said that they had no information. I suspect that it is next on your to-do list! Regards
We are indeed and it you have not changed address I'll set up an appointment. I think the final verdict on the left hand probably does have to be that it was too far gone before surgery. The major deterioration seems to have taken place between 2016 and 2018. The right side was technically grade 5 in 2019 though with minimal symptoms at that time - you have been quite an unusual case all along. JB