CTS Update By Austin


Hello Dr Bland, Many thanks for your help with the login problem. This is my six monthly update. My condition remains very much the same. I continue to have mild symptoms, especially numbness when cycling and on the laptop. These are manageable and do not impact too much on my life. Might I suggest that I could come for a test in six months time (late February 2022)? At that time you could possibly advise me whether to continue with the six monthly updates or switch to annually. Kind regards


Sounds like a good plan. It would be useful to document the current symptom level by adding a new severity score to the website - there is now a button to do this on the home page once you are successfully logged in. JB


Hello Dr Bland,

Thank you for your reply.

As you suggest, I have now completed the Severity Assessment. I would like to note that there are a few activities not mentioned in the survey that, when performed by me, produce mild to moderate symptoms of numbness/pain. These particularly include cycling and working on a computer.

As you appear to approve the idea, I will contact you in February 2022 to make an appointment to attend your clinic for a test.

Kind regards


They do look fairly mild symptoms. Hopefully we will both make it to next year :-) JB


Hello Dr Bland,

This is my six monthly update.

As usual, I have nothing of note to report. My symptoms remain largely unaltered. Mild symptoms which include some numbness at times, especially when cycling. As a matter of course, I continue to wear a splint at night, but as I have been doing so for years, this has become second nature and does not trouble me.

Personally, I do not feel the need to come in for tests, but I am happy to be guided by you in the matter.

Kind regards


I think it would be interesting to check them again at some point but the Feb-May period is usually quite a difficult time of the year for clinics so I'm happy to leave it for the present as long as your symptoms are stable. Let me know what it's like in the Summer and we'll have a think about it. JB


Hello Dr Bland,

Many thanks for your reply.

I'm happy to wait until the summer, as you suggest. Unless I experience any worsening of my symptoms, I'll be in contact
again in August.

Kind regards


Hello Dr Bland,

This is my six monthly update.

No significant change in my symptoms. I continue to experience mild numbness whilst cycling and occasionally on the computer. As I have mentioned in the past, these symptoms appear to remain at the same level, no better and no worse.

Unless I hear from you otherwise, I will be in contact in six months. Naturally, I would contact you immediately if I started to experience any worsening of my symptoms.

Kind regards


It's probably about time to add a new formal symptom severity score to the website records but I don't think we need to see you unless there has been a significant change. JB


Hello Dr Bland,

Many thanks for your reply.

I will be in contact again in six months, if you wish to add a new formal severity score to the website records at that time, please let me know.

Kind regards.


It looks fairly good on the  latest one now doesn't it. Always worth doing another when reporting back in. JB


Hello Dr Bland

My six monthly update.

As has been the case for some time, my symptoms remain fairly stable. I still have the mild symptoms of occasional numbness, especially when cycling, but nothing that affects my daily life in an overly negative fashion. I continue to wear the splint in bed at night, but that has become second nature and doesn't bother me.

Unless I begin to experience something worse, I will be in contact in another six months.

Kind regards


Thanks for the continuing follow-up - relatively unusual in the world of CTS :-) JB


Hello Dr Bland

This is my six monthly update.

My symptoms continue to be present, but manageable. In fact, about one month ago, I had a slight rash on my wrist and did not use the splint for a few days. I was surprised that it appeared to make no difference, and was going to tell you that I was "cured". However, the symptoms slowly returned back to normal, but no worse than before.

Therefore, unless you think otherwise, I'll carry on as usual and contact you again in six months.

Kind regards.


Thanks for staying in touch. It doesn't sound as though we have to do anything at present but at some pooint it might be worth testing again to see if there is any measurable change. JB


Hello Dr Bland I done my questionnaire already there was no reference number at the end of questionnaire so I can not provide that so can you please let me know how to proceed so I can have some treatment thank you


The reference number was given with the original questionnaire you did last year. You don't seem to have ever told me about that one. As it seems possible you have CTS you need to email me your ID details so that I can set up an appointment. Please read the patient information page as it tells you exactly what to do. JB

PS - you have also appended this comment to someone else's conversation so I'll probably delete it from here in a few days.


Hello Dr Bland,

This is my six month update.

Much the same as always. No appreciable change in my condition, but I do like to keep in touch through this Forum every six months.

However, there is a slight problem. At the end of my last communication to and from you in August 2023, a couple of items from a different patient appear, also August 2023. I thought that I should bring this to your attention in case of any confusion.

Kind Regards


If you read my reply to Veronika you will see what happened. I'll probably clear those messages out of here at some point. Glad to hear you are still OK JB

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