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Appointment for Dr Bland

Steve Coyne

Dear Dr Bland,

Further to your note of the 06/06/2012 there seems to be some problems regarding contacting me. After my last note dated May 2012 where I stated I would be seeing the Doctor in Faversham on the 07/06/2012 regarding a follow up on the injection. This I did. He advised that I contact you as soon as possible. This I did on the 08/06/2012 via your office.

Bearing in mind I had been on holiday until the 07/06/2012 I had not been looking at the forum. I was quite shocked to be told off as I had not looked at your last note dated the 06/06/2012 stating you would like to see me on the 11/06/2012. Well as you can see this was short notise and I could not attend. I asked why I was not contacted by telephone to be told that a letter was requested to be sent. (by the way the letter arrived on the 11/06/2012 it was not posted until the 07/06/2012.

At this point I was not happy and asked for a new appointment to be arranged and this to be made in the normal way by letter.

So you can imagine when I read your note you state that you would like to see me on the 11/06/12 and you would get the office to call me if that had happened I would have had time to make arrangements to see you instead your staff ignored your instruction and chose to send me a letter that arrived far to late. Bearing in mind if I had not telephoned your office I would have not been aware that an appointment had been made.

I hope this clears up any problems and look forward to our next appointment that I have been advised will be later this year. Regarding my hand problem the left hand is now painful all the time and I am now using your splint during the day as well for some relief. The right hand is not as bad.

Kind regards Steve Coyne


I left the staff yesterday with instructions to try and contact you in an attempt to squeeze you into one of my Thursday clinics as an 'extra' case in the next 3 weeks. One of the dificulties is that I am only in Canterbury two and half days a week so I am not constantly on site to chase up administrative issues like this. I will fit you into one of the next three Thursdays depending on when you are available. JB

Steve Coyne

Dear Mr Bland,

Thank you for the reply and I have now received an appointment for the 21/06/2012 its a shame contact was not made though as I have to wait longer. Still staff not following instructions has to be a cross you have to put up with.

Kind regards

Steve Coyne


I think communication is always difficult and more so when everyone concerned is working under considerable pressure. One of the reasons I like this web forum as a means of communication is that I can access it in odd spare moments, often at very strange times, and it always leaves us a trail of what has been said that we can both refer to. It is a bit of an alien method to the NHS in general though. See you next week. JB