return of symptoms


I had a steroid injection for my right hand, on the 1st March, just before I came to France, which was a great success. However the symptoms have been coming back over the last 2 weeks and are getting worse by the day. The injection only seems to have lasted 3 months and although I would be very happy to have another injection, I'm also thinking that an injection every three months is not a very practical long term solution.
The numbness at night seems to last longer but be less painfull at the moment but I'm experiencing more numbness during the day. Before, it was mostley when I was holding the phone but now I get it when I'm doing my hair -arm raised as on phone- also when I've been gripping things for a period of time ie painting and mopping the floor and just a bit while I've been driving. However I haven't driven far, so am a hit worried about the 2 day drive back to the UK.
I'll be back in England for the summer in a week or so, but understand that you have no appointments before August, which is a bit worrying if my hand continues to deteriorate as fast as it has over the last 2 weeks. Also, I'm planning to come back to France around the 1st of September for my autumn break.
Please can you make me the first possible appointment in August.


We have only injected it once so far and the response to a second injection may well be different to the first in any case so unless there has been a marked deterioration in the nerve conduction studies I would not necessarily preclude a second injection. Indeed for this pattern of recurrence I would be inclined to re-inject it as soon as possible before the problem becomes established again. Let me know exactly what date you are returning to the UK next week and we will try to arrange something. JB


Please fit me in for the first appointment you have available after the p.m. of July the 20th.The numbness at night is slowley getting worse night by night. Last night it was really bad and even this morning my thumb doesn't feel right. Sadly I can't make any appointment before the afternoon of the 20th July but I am getting worried about log term damage. Thanks,Sophia


I may be able to arrange for Michael Nicholas, who did the last injection, to see you shortly after the 20th. I'll see him tomorrow and see if we can work something out. JB


I would appreciate that as it is affecting my life more and more now. It would also be nice to have the same person do it again. Thank you, Sophia


Michael Nicholas can see you in the EMG deprtment on Thursday 26th July if you come along about 9:00am. JB


Thank you, I've written it in my diary.

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