Pain wakes me up


Been having pain in the wrist, thumb and fingers, its been waking me several times during the night. Have to shake my hand to ease the pain. My consultant has given me a splint to try and help. Any ideas would be very much apprieciated




Splinting is a good first-aid measure. After that you should really have it tested to see if the problem really is CTS. Have you run through the diagnostic questionnaire here? JB


Yes did the questionare i had 57% on my answers.
I had surgery on my left arm and revision surgery carpal tunnel on the wrist. Had no problems after, since 2018 after the surgery was put on waiting list for right arm. On dec 2021 had surgery on right arm but no rivision surgery for carpal tunnel. Right arm is fine apart for the wrist. Am back at kings for nerve conduction tests on june 6th. Pain can be persistant or comes and goes, have still got the problem of dropping things. Mark


Got it now - you are actually a patient I know of course - couldn't tell that from the original posting. Conversation probably best carried on by email. JB

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