9 Days after op


I don't want to bore you but here is my progress. I am sleeping well , the incision is healing nicely but sore when opening fingers fully. I have full movement in all fingers but have slight stiffness in my fingers. I have the same stiffness in my other hand
which could be my Dupytren's contracture which I have in both hands. I have had no numbness in the operated hand, so far so good.


I forgot to add my finger movement in operated hand is really good.


Sounds good so far. Would it have been possible to manage the tennis at this point do you think? JB


I played today Tuesday for the first time for two hours. Very competitive, I wore a splint with cotton wool inside to cushion the incision. I had no problems at all not forgetting that I am right handed and only use my operated-on hand to throw up the ball to serve. I am seeing the consultant on Thursday and will ask what the next step would be regarding the right hand. I feel that the injection is wearing off. My thumb seems to be getting more numb, perhaps I need to get on the waiting list and see how things progress.


It is of course quite likely to relapse after injection. Planning a strategy for the right hand might need to take into consideration the length of your local waiting lists as well as your tennis schedule. Steroid injections can be repeated if you need a quick holding measure in order to manipulate the time of surgery and second injections on average seem to be no more or less effective than first ones, though some patients do better and some worse the second time around of course. JB

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