Hand brace
Been wearing hand brace for last few weeks have had no pain or tingling so would it be best if I keep wearing it
Have recently had symptoms back and have had pain in my elbow feels like toothache in my arm!
Jackie Joyce
Well elbow pain as a primary symptom is not really typical of CTS but then your symptoms originally were a bit odd and we were not sure how much of this was CTS. I think I would probably need to see you to try and work out what is going on but I am pretty much booked up until December. Are you using the splint at present? What does your GP think about the current symptoms? JB
Have started using splint again for only last few days, as yet not been to see GP will do so and let you know
If the symptoms have resolved completely I would try the experiment of leaving it off for a week and see if they come back - then let me know what happens please. JB