6'ish week injection update
20 June 2022 - 9:38pm
Thankfully again much improved overall, no problems at night, middle finger and inside index and ring fingers permanently numb, tingly and sometimes painful at tips but manageable
26 June 2022 - 8:52am
Yes the right hand was operated on in October last year, a great result sleeping at night and no problems at work. Thank you all for the help you've given and continue to give me life is a misery without it.
29 June 2022 - 11:52am
Thanks. I've imported your latest severity scores into your hospital records. JB
I'm glad thats worked again. If you could do me a favour and add a new severity score to the website now that would document the response more formally. I think the right side has been operated now has it not? What do you think of the result? JB