
Andrew Elphick

Since seeing you on 25th June have had injections at Charing 6th July. Left hand has improved a bit but fingers still numb all the time and worse some nights. Right hand, which had felt pretty good, is normal most of the time although it now has intermittent numbness and is quite uncomfortable on occasions at night. Both go really numb/tingly driving, phoning or just doing repetitive things.
Back to Charing on Friday for a review and off to Herne Bay on Saturday for the operation on my left hand. Keeping my fingers crossed

Best regards


So it sounds as though the less severe right side has responded better to injection - which is interesting in itself. Hopefully we can fix it with surgery. Thanks for the update. JB

Andrew Elphick

Not really! Perhaps I didn't explain it too well. When I saw you in June my left was worse than my right and the right had virtually no symptoms at all . Since the injections the left side has improved but the left has got worse and although it is more sporadic on the right the symptoms if anything are worse than the left.
Thanks for the quick reply and I too hope the surgery fix the left hand.

All the best



It is a bit hard to assess that description :-) - you could try repeating the severity questionnaire on here to see how the scores come out. JB 

Andrew Elphick

OK thanks. New test just completed. Difference between the hands is that the left hand fingers are numb all the time whilst the right is not. The right and is only a problem doing repetitive things - driving, phoning etc. At night the right is beginning to be more of a problem than the left but still intermittent.

ps. Just filled in the paper version for Dr Warrilow. It would make sense to format the form as the on line one with the left hand symptoms on the left hand side and the right on the right - to make it more natural to fill in. I had to do it twice!


We changed it in the web version because so many people answer it back to front in the paper one. At some point we might change the paper one to match. For us medics the convention is that the patient's right side is the left side of images, diagrams etc in documentation but this seems unintuitive to non-medics I am afraid who seem to naturally assume that we work from left to right. JB

Andrew Elphick

OK. Operation went well yesterday. I guess it wont be long before the right needs doing.

T hanks



Perhaps - let me know what it feels like at the time the stitches come out and we will think about it. JB

Andrew Elphick

Stitches out last Saturday - all mended well. Finger tips still numb but no tingling and no problems at night. On the other hand, literally, the right hand is giving me very reduced sleep being really quite nasty at night. Would appreciate an early operation on that hand - even a cancellation - but still by Dr Rine. Any chance as I don't really want to wait for a couple of months if possible.

All the best



Earliest space with Dr Rine at present is 8th December, unless he decides to do some extra lists. Would you like me to book the 8th December slot in any case so that it's in the system? JB

Andrew Elphick

Yes Please - but a good nights sleep would be welcome before then so if there is a cancelation or extra lists please let me know.
Thanks again for your incredible attention.

Best regards



I've booked that surgery slot - letter in the post. The option is still there to re-inject that side while waiting for surgery - it might control the symptoms until December. JB

Andrew Elphick

OK I guess it won't do any harm but it was odd that the last injection in July helped the left hand and the right got progressively worse! Happy to go to the Dr in Wye anytime.
Thanks again.



OK - you can call the SIPC office to arrange an injection now.  JB

Andrew Elphick

Done - to Wye on 1st October. Hoping for cancellation/new list at Herne Bay but I guess I don't contact Dr Rine directly? Will keep you posted.




It's mostly me that administers those operating lists so contacting me is usually a good way to make changes - though in fact the operating GPs and the SIPC office have similar access rights to the system and can make changes themselves.

It occurs to me that there is usually a pool of people waiting for something - appointments with me, for injection or for surgery - and that when short notice spaces become available we have no well developed mechanism for contacting patients who might be interested in taking up the opportunity, except for appointments with me where we do have a system for marking patients who have asked for their appointment to be brought forwards so that we can easily bring up a list of people to call.

I could create a similar 'bring forward list' for surgery but I wonder if it would be useful to have an 'announcements' page on the site here where I could post notice of any late availability. People who are strongly motivated to get something done quickly would be able to bookmark such a page and check it frequently to see if anything is available. As with the rest of this website the idea would give IT literate patients an unfair advantage but even so it may be worth considering. JB

Andrew Elphick

I guess it may give some patients an advantage but if it means filling slots that might otherwise be wasted then it must be a good idea. An 'announcements' page cold be used for all sorts of newsy things, new developments, etc

Anyway I'll keep my eyes open

Thanks again


Andrew Elphick

Over the last 7/8 days the pain at night has rapidly escalated. After a couple of hours sleep I wake to pain which develops to an excruciating level - I had no idea it could be so nasty and don't no whether to scream or just whimper!- and keeps it up sometimes till morning. I have been wearing the splint, have tried painkillers and ice. I am resting it almost completely during the day. To no avail. Obviously it is wearing me down ( I have prostate cancer and hormone treatment makes me tired anyway) and the dates for injection and surgery seem so far away. Hope something can be done sooner but if not some advice would be welcome.



We can inject it for you on Thursday if that helps - it's a bit sooner than 1st October - just come along between 9:00 and 12:00 but let us know you are coming if you decide to please. JB

Andrew Elphick

Much appreciated! Will be there at 10 if that's OK?




That should be fine. It might involve a bit of hanging about - just depends how the clinic is going. JB

Andrew Elphick

Since I used the forum last I have had the right hand done by Dr Rine and have just had the left hand "signed off " by the GP. The right hand is still numb down to the palm but I am fumbling quite well. The index and middle fingers are - and feel - swollen but no pain or sleepless nights. Oddly both middle fingers on each hand are no longer trigger fingers. Otherwise all healed well.

Thanks for your teams help - most impressed with the way I have been looked after.



Glad to hear it is doing reasonably well. The left hand was grade 5 before surgery and the right grade 4. The grade 5's are often rather slow to improve after operation - especially in terms of numbness or weakness. The improvement in trigger fingers is not something I have heard before with carpal tunnel decompression and is interesting. I wonder how long they will remain OK. JB

Andrew Elphick

OK I will keep you posted at say 6 month intervals. Improvement of trigger fingers may be due to to the fact that I have not been able to do so much manual work in the last few months of course!

All the best for Christmas and the New Year

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