3rd CTS Injection


Hello Dr Bland,

I had a third CTS Injection administered by Dr Biggs three days ago, on the 14th August. For the first couple of days, I was aware of very slight tingling/pricking sensations in the wrist and arm area but those have now disappeared. However, as after previous injections, a small painless lump has appeared on my wrist. As this occurance is nothing new, I'm not concerned and am confident that it will go as before.

Considering the fact that my condition was improved after the second injection, the impact this time was always going to be less marked. Nevertheless, some of the symptoms that had been returning of late (slight numbness at night and whilst cycling etc) have already receded.

Obviously, it's a too early make a judgement and I will therefore keep you informed of progress.

I intend to fill in an Online Questionnaire sometime fairly soon. What period of time would you suggest that I wait before doing so?

Kind regards.


You can repeat them as often as you like but the instructions for the original instrument are to answer the questions for an average day in the last two weeks so doing it more than once every two weeks is probably a bit redundant. One three weeks after injection and one at 6 weeks when we do the follow-up would be interesting. JB


Hello Dr Bland,

Many thanks for the reply, I'll do as you suggest and fill in the Online Questionnaire at intervals of three and six weeks from the injection. Naturally, if there's anything else to report, I'll let you know through this forum.

Kind regards.


Hello Dr Bland,

It is now three weeks since I received the third CTS Injection. As you suggested, I have today filled in the Online Questionnaire.
My condition has been much improved but I experience one symptom that is not covered in the questionnaire, namely that I feel a certain degree of numbness in my right hand when cycling. One additional point, I suffer from very little numbness at night but I do still wear a splint in bed.

Kind regards.


Many people find that cycling aggravates CTS but not enough people cycle to make it worth putting in the questionnaire as a specific question. At some point someone should do a study of which type of handlebars etc are worst :-) Glad to hear it's better. JB


Hello Dr Bland,

Many thanks for your reply. As you suggested, I'll complete another questionnare in three weeks time (six weeks from the third injection).

Kind regards.


Hello Dr Bland,

As you suggested, I have now completed another questionnaire, six weeks after the third CTS injection. The results are much the same as three weeks ago. My condition continues to be improved. However, as I noted before, I do still experience a little numbness when cycling (something not covered in the questionnaire) and as a matter of course, I continue to wear a splint in bed.

Overall, any CTS symptoms are very much less pronounced.

Normally, I make an appointment to see you sometime towards the end of December and then in June or July. If you agree, I'll contact you through this forum early December to give you an update. At the same time, I'll seek your advice as to whether I should make an appointment to come and see you.

Kind regards.


Just staying in touch through this forum works very well as a means of follow-up from my point of view, we can arrange tests, injection or surgery on an ad hoc basis as appropriate then so if you are hapy to continue this way that suits me. I'm not sure how it will fit into the new NHS commissioning framework next year but we will cross that bridge later. JB


Hello Dr Bland,

Many thanks for your reply. As you suggest, I'll keep you updated as and when the need arises through this forum.

Kind regards.


Hello Dr Bland,

It's now four months since I had the third CTS Injection. The results have been very good; almost no symptoms. However, some symptoms are now very slowly beginning to return. I still feel much improved but occasionally experience some numbness/tingling at night. Since I first saw you in January 2011, I have had further appointments approximately every six months. Would you be in agreement for me to see you in early January 2013? That would be six months since my last appointment.

Kind regards.


Yes, if the symptoms are beginning to kick in again now we will test it sometime in January - I think I'm booking about the 20th or so at present. I'll send out an appointment. JB


Many thanks Dr Bland, I'll look forward to hearing from you.

Kind regards.


Appointment made and in the post. JB

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