

I have completed my pre appointment questionnaire (appt 13/09/12) but feel I have underestimated my symptons on some things, can i go back in and change it after I have completed and submitted it the form.


You can't alter the original answers but you can redo the severity section. The groups of multiple choice questions at the end are designed to assess how bad the symptoms feel to you and one expects those answer to vary from time to time as the symptoms change - either spontaneously or in response to treatment - so the website allows you to do that section of the questionnaire repeatedly so that you can build up a profile of how the severity of symptoms has changed over time. To add another severity score click the My CTS tab at the top of the page and then click 'My CTS record' - you will then get to a page where there is an option to 'take a new severity score test'. See you tomorrow! JB

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