request for cancelled appointment
Dear Dr Bland,
could I be concidered for the cancellation on the 6th october for pre med and op on the 20th october?if not I noticed there were 2 other appointments both on 13th october for pre med and op on the 27th october.
Lind Ward
Thankyou.I do have an appointment for both hands to be injected again on the 24th october which was going to tie me over till my appointment on january15th january for post opp at eastry view.Would they still be able to inject the right hand when i go for post opp for the left hand.
Linda Ward
As they are different places/doctors you will need to keep the 24th October appointment to get the unoperated hand injected I think.... unless the other hand shows a dramatic improvement just after surgery, which does happen occasionally. JB
thankyou,will still keep the opointment then for injection.
Linda Ward
Dear Dr Bland
As you know my op for the left hand is booked for the 13 October; I will keep the appoinment for the 15 January for my right hand op? If the situation improves, as you suggest it might, then I will inform you nearer the time.
Linda Ward
I think the situation is that we have moved your appointment from 15th January to 13th October - leaving the 15th Jan vacant and this is likely to get filled with another patient. I don't think it's really fair to allow one patient to occupy 2 appointment slots, especially when we have something of a queue and we cannot be sure that the second operation will be needed. JB
Dear Dr Bland
I had a 3rd injection for my right hand on 24 October with Dr Brown at Estuary View. Dr Brown rang me on 19 December to follow-up how things were, unfortunately I had to report that I was again having the pins and needles within 2-3 weeks. In dicsussion with Dr Brown he advised me to contact you to look at the possibility of surgery to my right hand as the surgery to the left hand seems to have worked.
Linda Ward
It does rather sound as though we might be heading for surgery on the second hand. I think we will probably test it once more before proceeding just to make sure that we have an up to date set of results before surgery as it has been injected three times and I am interested in the outcome of surgery after several previous injections. I'll find an appointment during January sometime and we will set up surgery at the same visit. JB
Thankyou for the reply,will await appointment.Based on my left hand recovery to date and the fact the injection in my right hand didn't last,perhaps surgery will be the best option.As you know I am in catering which is very much hands on and maybe that might be part of the problem.
Just a thought, as I am not at work at the moment I could take a cancellation if one becomes available, perhaps someone could give me a call if something crops up?
I'll get a chance to look at the state of bookings tomorrow (Thursday) and let you know what we can do. JB
I can fit you into a clinic on Monday 7th January at 9:30 am if you can make that? JB
OK Booked, probably no time for a letter to reach you so just turn up. JB
I still have the slot for pre-op and surgery on13th October available so I've booked you into that. I'll send out a new appointment letter. JB