
Excellent - sounds like a plan! Many thanks. Michelle


Hello dr Bland. Firstly apologies for not updating sooner on the forum with my progress. I had the carpel tunnel surgery in June last year and haven't looked back. It certainly was the best option for me. Once the scar had healed I was pretty much pain, numb and tingle free. I have almost forgot how bad it was. Although working as a bank cashier has caused me pain in the base of both my thumbs. You did initially think there was something else going on. Sometimes when counting money the base of my thumbs go tight and become painful. Any ideas on what my next options should be?
Many thanks


Unfortunately the joint between the wrist and the first bone of the thumb (technically the metacarpophalangeal joint, or MCP joint, of the thumb) does seem to be one which is particularly prone to wearing out so I see quite a few people who have problems with the joint as well as CTS. At that point however we run into one of the disadvantages of specialised medicine - I have no idea how to treat it, my expertise being very much limited to CTS! As with most things your GP is probably the best initial point of contact but we do now have therapists and orthopaedic surgeons who specialise in this sort of thing so there are expert resources available if needed. Glad to hear the CTS is doing well though. JB

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