1 week on from my injection


The day of the injection showed a vast improvement, no problems driving home. Was able to sleep for the first time in 6 months on my (L) hand side without my (R) side going numb. Wrist was a bit sore for a few days but no muscle pains. Able to pick things up at work with that arm. Still pains in (R) arm, perhaps more noticeable now the (L) one is better. On Day 4-5 had pain in (L) armpit and in shoulder which seems to have settled. By last night I was able to pick up a dumbbell with the left arm without pain in wrist,arm/muscles.Would you consider doing the other one at a later date please if the (L) one remains as it is. I'd say it's a 70% improvement because it is still weak as I haven't used it for so long. M-Patient

His (R) arm isn't twitching so much in his sleep so he's sleeping better which has helped me too. Long may it last. Thank you! A-his wife!


Well I'm pleased that we seem to have achieved something so far. Given that response on the left and the ultrasound findings on the right I think you could come back and have the other hand injected whenever you like - as you have seen it's a fairly trivial thing to do most of the time. Just let me know through here if and when you are coming. We can usually manage most Thursday mornings. JB


Emma Kaile has asked me to update you on my symptoms.

The pains in my arms have been so much better since you injected my left wrist. I still get tingling in my hands and stiff wrists and I don't feel that the strength has come back fully. I used to be a good golfer and now I struggle to play. If I drive my car for longer than an hour I feel like I need to exercise my hands because they become tingly and numb again.

The neurologist and the rheumatologist seemed to think I have some kind of autoimmune condition but the dermatologist would like a more specific diagnosis. In November I had my gall bladder removed which was apparently quite diseased and I remain under the bowel clinic as I have some diverticular disease and a torsion in my bowel. I have most trouble with swinging temperatures that I seem unable to control. I also have intermittent stiffness and aching in my legs but no one seems to know why.

I really appreciated your help as that injection was the first relief I had since my problems started. You discovered I had enlarged nerves in my hands and I wonder if you would consider scanning them again to see if they have improved as the pain is less?


We can certainly scan them again if you are coming back to have the other side injected. We are injecting most Mondays at present - but not the 23rd December. JB


Thank you for taking the trouble to reply and for giving us an update. Do let us know if you do want to come in for an appointment. EK

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