symptoms getting worse


hi Dr. Blande
i saw you a while back at Canterbury when i had test for cts you told me i had grade 3 in left hand and grade 1 in right hand in between seeing you and trying to decide which route to go i had MI so have delayed my decision but i have now got far worse symptoms in right hand when i wake up in morning i cannot clench my fist until i have been up for about 30 mins also shaking my hand gives electric shock sensation to middle and index finger and thumb aches my left hand is also a little worse but has not deteriorated as much, the splints help but i think i should probably see you again and discuss having the surgery

regards chris morris


Sorry to hear about the MI. The best quick fix for the immendiate symptoms would probably be to get it injected - which we can do within a week, whereas surgery is going to involve a bit of a wait at present. It's actually not long since I saw you in August and your nerve conduction results are probably still valid unless there has been a very dramatic change for the worse such as the development of weakness and wasting in the muscles at the base of the thumb. JB


Hi i have read the info on steroid injections on this site and it does give me a couple of concerns but the main one is when i was in hospital i was told not to take ibuprofen and to avoid steroids would this mean oral steroids which get into the bloodstream or any steroids, I do need to try something as this is getting to be a problem for me now and i am having trouble holding thing for any length of time, how do i make appointment to have injections done and would it be done at Canterbury.

Chris Morris


Warnings about steroids are generally related to oral steroid treatment. Local injections for rheumatological disorders are not usually a problem. We can inject for you on Thursday if you can get to the carpal tunnel clinic in Canterbury. JB


do i have to be there at any particular time or can i come first thing in the morning when the clinic starts


The guy who does the injections usually arrives about 8:55 so any time from then on and we will fit you in. JB

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