3 years post surgery
Hi, I am glad I found this website. I am wondering if anyone else has these symptoms. I had CT release 3 years ago in my left hand and the pain that I was experiencing disappeard almost immediately, however, it was replaced with numbness. A week post surgery, when I started using my hand again, it started to go numb. And today, all sensation is almost totally lost. I lilfted something heavy last week and I am not sure if that contributed to this aswell.Especially in the past 3 days I estimate I have only 5-10% feeling remailning. My GP said that he can't help me anymore. When I told the surgeon what was happening to me he of course took no resonsibility and suggested I have further tests done. I am at a loss of where to go for help. Sophie
According to the doctors, my nerve conduction studies before and after the surgery are the same. I am willing to fax them to you if you are interested.
If they have really not changed then that usually indicates one of two things when I am seeing people shortly after surgery (ie a few months).
1) a catastrophically bad CTS before surgery so that the nerve was beyond recovery.
2) failure to completely divide the transverse carpal ligament at surgery - a surgical error which accounted for about half of the surgical failures in one series.
In your case it is a long time since operation. How soon after surgery were the second set of NCS done.? JB
Further tests are undoubtedly the right way to proceed with this - you need some new nerve conduction studies doing. While waiting for that it is worth trying to map out exactly what the distribution of the numbness is - try to work out which parts of the hand feel normal and which are numb - paying attention to each side of each finger and the palm and back of the hand as well as how far it extends up the arm. It would also be useful to know what your nerve conduction studies looked like before surgery. JB