Positive outcome


I had suffered for some time with burning and tingling in both hands. However not until I could no longer do up shirt buttons or pick up small items did I decide to do something about it. I had short term relief with injections on three occasions . I then had surgery on my left hand in April 2021 and my right hand in September 2022. I now never have tingling or burning sensation waking me at night and feeling in my index and thumb has returned enough to allow me to carry out tasks that require the necessary sensation. I am 70 yrs old now and thought that perhaps full sensation would not return. I would now describe it as extremely mild numbness. I had no problems healing after the operations and sensation noticeably returned after about two months. I hope this might allay other sufferers concerns.


Thanks for taking the trouble to report a positive experience. All too often we only hear from the patients with problems :-) JB

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