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I,ve just filled in the questionnaire for carpel tunnel and feel that the question of whether or not you have just recently had a cortisone injection has been performed should be there, as I have. Therefore when you're asked wether or not you've have symptoms in the last 2 weeks I cannot answer properly as I had an injection a week before Christmas so at the moment my symptoms are not there. But in a month or two my symptons will be far more severe. Also it does not ask how many injections you have had in the past. I have had approx 4


If you want to use the questionnaire for diagnostic purposes it is best to answer the questions for the symptoms as they were before any injection or surgery as that is the population of patients the mathematical models were calibrated on. The final section of the questionnaire, relating to average symptoms in the last 2 weeks, is intended to be used repeatedly so that you can see how the subjective severity of symptoms changes over time - so in your case if you completed one questionnaire for the symptoms as they were before injection, and then did a further severity assessment for the symptoms as they are now, you should see the symptom severity score go down. JB


This question is not connected with the previous post, but I can't find how to start a new question to Dr Bland.

1. On the questionnaire I ticked that I was on thyroxine, as I was due to have a hospital visit to be put on the medication the following day. That appointment was cancelled, so I need to edit my questionnaire - how do I do that, please?

2. Also, my questionnaire result was 40/35% so should I still attend the nerve conduction studies appointment? I'd like to get a test, but I don't want to waste anybody's time and the appointment might be needed by a more deserving case. I'd appreciate your advice on both points please.


At the moment we have configured it so that once saved the user cannot edit it, though I can correct mistakes and the version that is transferred into your medical records is further correctable by us together when we meet.

You start a new forum posting using the orange "Post new forum topic" link which appears above the list of existing discussions once you enter one of the forums.

At present I would like everyone to keep their appointments regardless of score because I am still assessing how accurate the questionnaire is and if all the people with less than x fail to turn up I never will find out how many of them actually turn out to have CTS. Once I am sure of how it is performing we will revise the system. At present I only make the suggestion that anyone with a score of <20% might like to check with their GP again (but still attend for testing). JB