No response since 2022, now unbearable pain.


Hello, I first done the questionnaire in 2022, and was told I would get a response. Which has never came. I havent chased it up, as I didnt want to be a nuisance and take up anyones time, and was hopefully of hearing from you. I have been back to my GP today, who said that everything I was saying would lead them to believe I have CTS, but they arent able to help me as its self referral. My pain in my left hand when lifting anything is now so painful I can't really use it, which isn't great as I have just finished 4 years of training to be a gas engineer and plumber. My right hand gets extremely painful and unbearable when doing things as simple as using a little picker, or doing task at work that involves tightening screws for instance. My forearm feels like its burning, my hand and my thumbs feel so painful its hard to describe. When shaving my hands go numb, typing this now on my phone, and my hands are going numb. Holding the phone to my ear and my hands go numb and sometimes painful. I really need to talk to someone who can help me, as its getting unbearable. My mother had CTS in both hands and I'm not sure if that's why possibly I have it too, but its getting to the point where I have to stop the job I'm doing and when going back to it, I could cry with the pain it causes. My right hand is my dominant hand so its more noticeable in this hand when doing daily task. But my left hand is much worse for pain with any task involving lifing and carrying. Please please please can somebody contact me and possibly see me for a consultation or anything. My number is 07*********7 The website that says surgery will be 94% likey to help me. Kind regards D


Dealt with by email. JB

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