Thoughts on potential diagnosis?


Hi, I had a phone consultation with GP last week and he thinks I have CT. Next step is to see a physio for consideration of steroid shots. But I'm not sure my symptoms fully fit CT - wonder if there's anything else that should be considered? My concern is that it'll just be assumed that it's CT now, and I won't get to see anyone who specialises in hands. Questionnaire results 42% likelihood. -45yo, female -do probably overuse my hands eg typing, gardening, texting -3 month history of the below (note: onset roughly coincided with starting Wegovy weight loss injections, BMI currently 30) - initial stiffness and pain in both hands - worse on right - mostly in the morning - this is worsening and have developed tingling and numbness in thumb and at least 4 fingertips, lasts throughout the day - difficulty with fine motor movements - reduced grip strength, difficulty opening jars - unable to form a tight fist, whole hand feels stiff, can't wring out a cloth well -unable to fully straighten hand (is mostly straight but not how it used to be) or elevate fingers at all (results in pain and extreme stiffness where fingers meet hands) - enormous difficulty in writing -'shaking out' doesn't help at all - have been using splints at night - no benefit - have been taking B12 supplements - no benefit - pain is mostly on movement. When not moving hands, more likely to be tingling or numb. - some finger swelling in mornings, no redness, no joint tenderness. I would really value any opinions, thank you !


About 50/50 likelihood of CTS. You should have some nerve conduction studies done rather than steroid injection to begin with as the diagnosis is uncertain. A diagnostic alternative if local expertise is available is ultrasound of the median nerve but there are not many people really competent to do that in the UK, though it's getting better. JB


Thank you - that's very helpful - I'll ask for the nerve conduction studies. I'm in Northern Ireland and unsure regarding the ultrasound, but I'll look into that.

Out of interest, if you're thinking it's 50-50, what are the other diagnoses that you think would be possible/likely? I'd wondered if there might be done aspect of arthritis, but not sure that fits with the numbness, tingling etc (and electrical impulses in the fat pad at the base of my thumb).
Thanks again.


There's a list of some of things CTS gets confused with on this page:

There are a few neurophysiologists in NI so it should be possible to get them tested for CTS. I don't know of anyone doing the ultrasound reliably at present. Good luck JB


Thank you!

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