Feedback from steroid injection


Hi. Just to report that I had a steroid injection in my right wrist just over a week ago. I had immediate relief that evening and am no longer kept awake with tingling and numbness. I had a slight aching to my wrist the following day but that didn’t bother me too much and soon disappeared. I continue to have regular tingling in my right wrist and what feels like slight numbness to the tip of my middle finger constantly and mildly in the ring finger. I have been resting as much as possible and splinting at night which helps. I get tingling in both wrists during the day when holding my book up (I am on holiday and relaxing by the pool as much as possible!) My symptoms are nowhere near as bad as they were before and I am hopeful they will slowing disappear. The initial aching in both wrists which seemed to trigger the episode has subsided.


Sounds fairly promising so far. Adding a new severity score to the website would be useful, as would a further progress report in about 4 weeks. JB

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