Return of Symptoms


The tingling, numbness etc have returned in my right hand.
It is almost a year since the last injection (my 4th I think).
Is it possible to organise another steriod injection?
I appreciate that I will probably need the nerve conduction tests first, if so Thursday mornings are best for me.
Many thanks


A fifth injection is pushing the envelope of prior experience with injections a bit and we are in rather unknown territory regarding the risks by this stage. I would therefore like to test you again - almost more so that I get a chance to talk over with you what is and is not known about serial injections as a treatment than for the test results themselves, though I think one part of treating people with long series of injections should be to fairly carefully monitor the state of the CTS. I'll send out another appointment. JB


I'll speak to you when I see you at the appointment.


I had my 5th injection on the 6th June. As always excellent speedy improvement, no twanging of tendons!
No symptoms at all at present, but no doubt they will return at some point, and then I will be in touch. I suspect next time I will opt for the surgery (don't want to push my luck with the injections). Many thanks


Thanks for the update. At least we are gaining a little experience with what happens with 3+ injections as there are now a little group of you attending the clinic who have chosen to do this despite the lack of evidence in the literature for safety or efficacy. JB


Unfortunately the symptoms in my right hand have returned, the last injection only lasted about 6 months but I have put off contacting you as I know it's time to seriously consider surgery. Although I am not keen, I don't think I really want to risk a 6th injection.
I appreciate that I will need to see you to discuss and undergo nerve conduction tests. Any Thurs am is good for me.


Not sure if I should have started a new "thread" for this.


No problem using this thread - they come back to the top of the list when added to so hopefully they don't get missed. I think that you are right that we should meet up again and discuss what to do next and I'll send out an appointment. I appreciate the reluctance to proceed to surgery but I would generaly prefer to know about relapses sooner rather than later. I'll send out an appointment. JB

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