21 January 2025 - 10:03am
Good morning, I came into the clinic last Wednesday for my steroid injection in both wrists my left wrist feels mostly back to normal however my right one has quite a deep bruise and I'm finding writing/typing very difficult with sometimes sharp pains going in my hand/up my arm? Not sure if it's because I'm right handed therefore it's taking longer to heal? But it's quite painful/worrying as haven't had this type of reaction before to an injection. Note: I did have a bruise on both wrists but the one on the left has gone but the one on my right wrist had remained.
Occasionally we do see this for several days after injection. Simple analgesia is usually all that is needed and most cases settle in a week. I've seen one or two go on up to two weeks and one patient who had persistent symptoms for about 3 years. Keep me posted please. I'll move this to the Canterbury patients forum shortly JB