need advice plz
I had to go to the emergency docs on thursday night with severe pain,pins & needles & swelling in my wrist & fingers.The doc said i have carpal tunnel symdrome & I need to see my own gp.I have phoned my gp every day since but cant seem to get an appointment till 18th july :(. My ring finger is constantly numb & i have pain in my other fingers.I also have pins & needles seems to be every hour, i am doing the exercises but nothing seems to work.I am taking paracetamol as i cant take any ibuafen as it really disagrees with them.I am suppose to be back at work tomoz but with the pain how can i work with this severe pain ? any suggestions wud be grateful
I guess the first question has to be is it CTS? How long has it been going on and was there any obvious event that set it off - new job or hobby, unusual exertion, injury. If that is the right diagnosis, then the best first aid treatment is a splint - see splinting under treatments. A two week wait for a GP appointment seems excessive - what part of the country is this? JB