my CTS has got worse

Gareth Evans

Morning Dr Bland I came to see you about 2 months ago with my problem, you gave me 2 wrist straps to see if it would ease it up. Unfortunatly my right hand has gotten worse, i have had restless sleep for the past week or so and the pain never goes. My whole arm has been going numb aswell. If you could get back to me that would be great


If it still feels like the same thing - ie the same sort of symptoms just more of them - then we could try local steroid injection. We could do that for you on Monday morning if you are free. I'll move this discussion into the Canterbury patients forum once you have had a chance to see this reply as that is where it belongs really. JB

Gareth Evans

That would be great. Do i need to book the appoinment or will you be able to do that for me?


Just turn up at the neurophysiology department, where you saw me, between 9:00am and 12:00noon. If several people turn up at the same time there may be a bit of a queue but usually they spread out fairly well as each injection only takes a few minutes. At some point we will get around to creating a proper booking system for them as we seem to be doing more and more. JB

Gareth Evans

Evening Dr Bland

I was unable to make it up to the hospital this morning for steroid injections. Is this option there everyday or is it just on a Monday?


At the moment we can do these most Monday mornings (not 23rd Dec though). We should shortly be able to do some other days too. We do have facilities to get them done at a small selection of GP surgeries too. JB

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